Cindy Twiss

Advantage Clients Provide Critical Content

Many Advantage clients are providing invaluable services during this unsettling and anxiety-prone time when we are all looking for information and ideas to help make this period a little easier. We are proud to support our clients’ work and appreciate their important contributions.

Here are some examples of what our clients are doing to help their customers and the general public.   

The American Medical Association

In addition to providing resources and assistance to their physician members, the AMA is also advising states and Washington, such as in this article explaining the four signposts states should follow to safely reopen America.

The Agora Companies

One of The Agora’s companies, Money Map Press, offers this advice on protecting your 401k during this time.

Mary Ann Liebert, Inc.

A leading independent publisher of authoritative peer-reviewed journals, books and trade publications in the fields of medicine, science and government, Mary Ann Liebert has made many resources available for free. Check them out here.

The American Institute of Physics

The American Institute of Physics offers this downloadable activity book for parents who are now supervising online classes or home-schooling their children.

Our Sunday Visitor

Religious publisher Our Sunday Visitor offers support and information to its member parishes with material such as instructions on how to stream Masses, downloadable pamphlets to help parishioners deal with this stressful situation, books related to it and free at-home curriculum resources for families.

Massachusetts Medical Society

Keeping their physician members up to date on the latest treatments and methods to fight COVID-19 is a major task of the Massachusetts Medical Society but the organization provides expert information to the public as well. Here is a radio interview with Dr. Eric Rubin, editor-in-chief of The New England Journal of Medicine, discussing the prospects and timeline for a successful vaccine, expanded testing, the wisdom of instituting a “smart quarantine" and much more.

Wolters Kluwer Health

Wolters Kluwer is a global provider of professional information, software solutions, and services for clinicians, accountants, lawyers, and tax, finance, audit, risk, compliance, and regulatory sectors. They are making their expert solutions available to customers, partners, and communities and also offer solutions to governments, hospitals, and clinicians that are dealing with the impact of the virus. These include: Health solutions like UpToDate, Lippincott Nursing resources, Audio Digest, and Ovid; CCH Answer Connect Tax BriefingEnablon EHS solutionsEmployment & Labor Law guidance for our Legal customers and BOLD (Chinese legal database).

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