Kelly Grace

Friday Five for September 9th

Every day, the number of articles, opinion pieces, and blog posts shared on the internet can be overwhelming, but staying up to date on industry trends allows us to stay ahead of the curve. Here are five issues that sparked our interest this week:

  • The United States Government intends to make all research funded by it open access on publication. The regulation will be implemented in 2026 and will apply to anything that receives federal funding. Read the full article.

  • The antitrust trial to prevent Penguin Random House and Simon & Schuster from merging has captivated the industry… Read the full article.

  • More than half of consumers underestimate their subscription spending by at least $100, and many had forgotten they were paying for a membership they no longer used. Read the full article

  • The Washington Post is on track to lose money this year due to stagnant digital subscriptions and digital advertising sales. Read the full article.

  • Scholastic has obtained Learning Ovations, the company behind A2i (Assessment to Instruction), a literacy screening, progressing tracking and assessment, and instructional planning system for classrooms and community groups. Read the full article

What industry insights did you discover this week?

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